The PAC is pleased to launch a new weekly lunch program. Every Wednesday starting February 5th 2025, we will be offering free lunch items to every student. With the support, guidance and funding from the District, a locally sourced bagel with cream cheese and sliced cucumber with a fruit and snack (e.g. Smartfood Popcorn) will be provided at lunchtime. These items will be on “help yourself” trays in each classroom.
If you do not want your child to participate, or if your child does not like the items provided, please talk to your child about the program and send lunch to school for them on these days. If your child needs more food than will be provided, please send them a supplemental snack/meal.
If your child has a sensitivity or allergy to the items being provided (or other dietary restrictions), please let the office staff know by January 30th as GF/lactose/dairy free options may be available.
This program can only happen with parent volunteers. Please use the following link to sign up for “Make-A-Lunch Wednesdays” from 10:30 am to 12 in the PAC kitchen. VOLUNTEER
The PAC is excited to bring this program to Cove Cliff and hopes to be able to expand the program in the future. Below are links to articles about school lunch programs.
“School food programs play an important role in providing students with stigma-free access to healthy, local food. Nourishing students at school not only helps them achieve better learning outcomes but also furthers connection with their school, peers, and community. For some students, food at school is an important part of their daily nutritional needs. Canadian research shows that school food programs have multiple positive impacts including better health, reduced risk of chronic diseases, improved cognitive function, enhanced mental health, and increased attendance.” Source: LINK
More information can be found here.
If you would like to volunteer for this program, please go to the link below and sign-up today.

Click here for school contact information.
To submit a receipt to the Treasurer, click here.
Come to Our Monthly PAC Meeting Every Third Wednesday!
Every parent of a child who attends Cove Cliff is automatically a member of the Parent Advisory Council. All parents are welcome at the meetings and are encouraged to attend. It is a great way to get to know what is happening at the school, what events are coming up, and ways to help out.
Cove Cliff PAC
The Cove Cliff Elementary School Parent Advisory Council provides a forum within our school community to discuss matters affecting our school and children.